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1957 Fender Stratocaster – Sunburst
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1957 Fender Stratocaster – Sunburst
Another beautiful 50s Strat that just arrived in our shop: Late 1957 Fender Stratocaster in great condition – this 1957 Strat is all original besides an old overspray on the neck and replaced pickup covers and knobs. The three “black bottom” single coil pickups read 6,28K(N), 6,13K(M) and 6,13K(B), the neck is dated 11-57 and the body is dated 12-57 in the middle pickup cavity. The electronic is untouched and all three pots are dated 304.7.23 (23th week of 1957). Great sounding example of a 1957 Stratocaster with that deep contoured body, classic neck profile and pretty lightweight with only 3,27kg! Comes in original Tweed case.