1955 Fender Esquire - Blond (Refin)

1955 Fender Esquire refinished in blond. First year of the white single-ply pickguard - great playing and sounding guitar! The bridge pickup has been rewound and wax potted. Luckily the most part of the neck pocket has not been refinished so you can read "Tad 6-10". The other parts are original - you definitely get the tone and feel of a rare early Esquire with a nice strong V-profile neck that feels awesome. Comes in orig. Fender tweed case with red plush interior.
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Serial number: 8359
Weight: 3285g
Nut width: 42,6mm
Neck thickness @1st/5th/12th fret: 23,5/24,1/25,3mm
Pickup DC: 7,44K (rewound)
Neck date: 6-55
Body date 6-10 (year not visible)
Pot date codes: 304.5.15
1955 Fender Esquire - Blond (Refin)
plus shipping costs

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