You have too many guitars and want to sell some of your collection? You quit playing guitar and want to get rid of it? You inherited a guitar from your family estate and want to sell it for realistic market value? You are looking for a trade in to buy another guitar? Or you simply would like to sell a guitar?
We receive a lot of requests from customers who offer us guitars. If you have an instrument you would like to sell, please do us the favor and read this short description of what we are looking for and what we need from you. This makes the whole process easier for both sides.

What we are looking for:
We only buy American made electric guitars and basses. We are not interested in electric guitars that were made outside the USA. We are especially looking for Gibson and Fender guitars. We don’t buy acoustic guitars and we don’t buy amps!
We are looking for Vintage guitars, but also for newer used guitars or young-timers!
It’s pure and simple – if we can agree on a price you will get paid right away. We don’t bother you with consignment or commission contracts and like most dealers – at GuitarPoint it’s straight, quick and easy.
If your guitar matches with the above criteria, please contact us via email .
You can also send us an email and provide the following information:
- Brand and model name
- Year of manufacture (if you know it)
- Possible modifications or changed parts
- Pictures of the headstock, serial number, body front and back, the hardcase and if possible, the electronic (pickups, pots and capacitors)
- Please don’t forget to include your asking price!
Send an email to: [email protected]
We will review your offer and reply as soon as possible.